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The solution to bedbug problem in beddings doesn’t always lie in discarding the mattress. Many people are however oblivious to the health concerns posed by most chemicals. This makes them tend to shy away from using any chemicals to treat their bedbug-infested bedding. It should be worthwhile to note, however, that there are some non-toxic pesticides that can be used on beddings. This now brings the question as to what chemicals to use on beddings to get rid of bedbugs?

Some of the registered pesticide chemicals that one may use on beddings to kill bedbugs may include:

  • Biochemicals: These, e.g. neem oil contains chemical properties that are harmful to the bedbugs. Neem oil can be used o mattresses. This is because they are not toxic to humans and also considering it has other medicinal properties.
  • Desiccants: These work by destroying the protective coat of the bedbug. This causes them to slowly dehydrate leading to death. They can be used on mattresses as they don’t bedbug activities, are long-lasting and are also not harmful to humans.
  • Pyrethrins: These are derived from flowers. They are natural compounds and therefore little-known effects on humans. What makes them better adapted for muse on mattresses to suppress bedbugs is because they are able to flush them out of their hiding. Their only setback though is that bedbugs tend to grow resistant of them when used over a long time.
  • Neonicotinoids: This is the synthetic form of nicotine that is used as a bedbug killer chemical. It works by constantly irritating the nerves of these bugs till they fail to lead to death. It is also non-toxic and therefore recommended for use on mattresses.

To ensure safety and effectiveness of these chemicals, however, the labels and application procedures read should be read keenly. This is mainly because most of these can do it yourself home procedures or you can call The Exterminators - Pest Control Toronto.